Tag Configuration
To be usable, data logging tags require software applications to configure them prior to “flight” and to access any data collected “post-flight”. The NanoTag architecture is supported by an extensive software system that includes the base-boards used to charge the tags, a software library to support communication with the tags via a USB connection to the baseboard, and applications including a graphical user interface (GUI) tool – the NanoTag Monitor – and a collection of command-line tools for querying and testing tags. Collectively, these tools support the tags through the build process and through their use in biological expariments. In this section, we focus on the use of these tools rather than their underlying architecture.
NanoTag Monitor

Tag State Tab

Tag Information includes the following
- Tag Type : The type of tag being accessed.
- Board Name : The specific board hardware
- Firmware : Tag firmware (software) version
- Flash Size : Amount of storage on the tag
- UUID : The processor unique identifier which can be used to uniquely identify a specific tag
- Git Repo : The git repository. This can be used to retrieve the tag software and hardware sources
- Source Path: The location of the tag software in the repository
- GitHash : The hash used to identify the specific repository contents used to build the tag software
- Build Date: The date when the tag software was built.

Configuration Tab
The configuration tab provides several sub-tabs for configuring the data collection schedule (start/end times and hibernation periods), the data to be logged, and tabs for configuring sensors. The BitTag has a single sensor – the adxl362 accelerometer, but other tags may have different or additional sensors. The specific set of configuration sub-tabs is tag specific.
The schedule for an experiment is determined by the start and stop times and any periods when data collection should be suspended. It is important to remember that all times are UTC. By default, data collection begins immediately and runs until storage or energy are exhausted. Hibernation periods are defined by the start and end times – the BitTag supports two such periods) Schedule times are limited to hour level precision.

The configuration tab has two sets of controls (visible in all sub-tabs). The current configuration can be saved to or restored from a file. This is particularly useful for designing a common configuration for multiple tags to be used in a single experiment. A (future) command-line tool will use such a stored configuration to enable rapid configuration of a set of tags.
The current tag configuration can be read. Finally, the configuration can be written to the tag – and consequently data collection begun – with the start button.

Data Logging Configuration
The allowable log configurations are tag specific. For the BitTag, the only configuration control is the aggregation period. Activity is measured on a per-second basis and may be stored as a bit-per second, counts/minute, counts/four minutes, and counts/five minute. The primary determining factor is the total amount of data that can be stored. The BitTag can store approximately 15,000 data records in its internal memory. A record consists of a time stamp, battery voltage, temperature, and some number of aggregation bits. At the highest resolution, the maximum collection period is 10 days while at the lowest resolution the tag can store a full year of data.
Resolution | Maximum Collection Period |
Bit/second | 250 hours |
Count/minute | 2500 hours |
Count/four minutes | 332 days |
Count/five minutes | 364 days |

Sensor Configuration

Error Log

Configuration Files
"tag_type": "BITTAG",
"active_interval": {
"start_epoch": 1606230000,
"end_epoch": 1606406400
"hibernate": [
"start_epoch": 1606233600,
"end_epoch": 1606237200
"start_epoch": 1606244400,
"end_epoch": 1606248000
"acceltag_log": "ACCELTAG_UNSPECIFIED",
"adxl362": {
"range": "R4G",
"freq": "S50",
"filter": "AAquarter",
"act_thresh_g": 0.35,
"inact_thresh_g": 0.35,
"inactive_sec": 0.5