Applicable Licenses
The code in this repository builds upon the contributions of a number of other projects. Unless otherwise stated, or unless other license terms dominate, the software developed for this project is distributed under a BSD 3-clause license.
For example, the Qt based applications were developed using the Qt GPL terms, therefore those applications honor the terms of that licence. In contrast, the command-line applications rely on libraries whose license terms that do not take precedence over the project license.
A Request
We request that any use of this work or derivatives of this work in scientific research appropriately cite our contributions in any publications.
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1. Host Software
We consider the host software in three categories – the tag and monitor libraries, and the various applications. The tag/monitor libraries build upon libraries that are compatible with our project license.
1.1 Tag/Monitor Libraries
The monitor library provides connectivity, via USB, to the baseboard which emulates an stlink device. The monitor library utilizes libusb which is licensed under the lesser gpl 2 licence. In addition, the monitor library code utilizes constants and ideas from stlink-org which is licensed under a BSD 3-clause licence.
The tag library uses code built with the Google ProtoBuf compiler and linked to the Google ProtoBuf libraries that code is licensed under a Google License.
1.2 Command-line Applications
The command-line applications use the monitor and tag libraries; any other code is licensed under the default terms described above.
1.3 Qt Based Applications
The two Qt based applications were developed under the Qt open source license terms and hence the use of Qt libraries is covered by the LGPLv3 license. ** how to get QT source code **
The BitTag data visualization application (btviz) uses the QCustomPlot library and hence is licensed under GPLv3. The creator of QCustomPlot offers commercial licenses. In this case, the Qt open source license terms apply to the use of Qt libraries, and our project license applies to the remaining source code.